حصريا نماذج رسائل توصية للمنح الدراسية

كيفية طلب خطاب التوصية أو Recommandation letter:

ابدأ بالقول ، "أخطط للدراسة في البلد الدي تريده بشأن المنح الدراسية" ، لذلك أحتاج إلى رايك فيا في خلال كتابة الرسالة. اطلب من معلمك أن يعطيك معروفًا عن طريق كتابة خطابات توصية لك. في الغالب ادا كانت لك معرفة مسبقة وهم يعرفونك / هنا ، يوافق المعلم بسهولة على كتابة خطاب توصية لك للدراسات العليا مع أطيب التمنيات.
حصريا نماذج رسائل توصية للمنح الدراسية

ملاحظة: قد تطلب بعض الجامعات تحميل خطاب توصية من أستاذك ، يمكنك أن تسأل معلمك عن ذلك. إذا كنت بحاجة إلى إرسال الطلب في شكل مطبوع ، فمن الضروري أيضًا إرسال نسخة من خطابات التوصية الخاصة بك ، لذلك لا ترسل الرسائل الأصلية إلى الجامعة لعمل نسخة منها.

غالبًا ما يكون هؤلاء الأشخاص (الأساتذة أو المعلمين) مشغولين للغاية في كل بلد ، وربما قد يطلب منك تقديم مسودة خطاب توصية. يمكن أن يساعد ذلك في توفير الوقت حتى يعرفوا ما يكتبون.

لذلك ، قدمنا ​​لك قوالب رسائل توصية عالمية يمكنك معالجتها واعادة صياغتها. يمكنك الاستفادة من هذه القوالب أو عينة من رسائل التوصية لتوصياتك ، وطبعها ، وتوقيعها من قبل أساتذتك لترسلها الى الجامعة المعنية.

ملاحظة هامة: يجب أن يوقع أستاذ القسم أو المحاضر المساعد نموذج خطابات التوصية التي كتبها لك.

Recommendation Letter Template or Draft 1:


I highly recommend Ms. Your Name for Degree Level Program to your University. She is one of the most exceptional students, I have encountered in my teaching experience. I have known Ms. Your Name for the past nine years and during this period I have found her as impressive as her intellectual accomplishments.

She is an active, outgoing presence in class and self-motivated. She is very hard working and can work individually. Her cheerful nature and openness to feedback means she is always learning and growing as a learner and still now if she has any problems regarding field she is in contact with me and sort out the solution. She has an impressive strength that will continue to serve her well in university and beyond. She is just the kind of driven, engaging, and curious student that helped to make our classroom a lively environment to take intellectual risks.

In short, Ms. Your Name has the ability to grasp new concepts with ease and as an outstanding young lady, has showed great potentialities in academic learning. She will surely be the pillar of the state if she gets enrollment in your University for further study. I strongly recommend her and will appreciate your assistance to her application. If you need any further information about this promising young lady, please feel free to contact me.

Dr. ___________ Prof Name
Associate Professor/Head
Department Name
University Name, Country
Email Address


Recommendation Letter Template or Draft 2:


It is my great pleasure and honor to recommend Ms. Your name D/O Mr.  Your Father Name  in her pursuit of higher educational qualification. I have known Ms. Your Name for the past eleven years and during this period I have found her hard working, self-motivated, disciplined and goal oriented. I am also especially touched by her conscientious way of study and splendid academic records. She always completed her assignments, projects and other tasks well in time.

Ms. Your Name is diligent and intelligent. Particularly I am really impressed by her full devotion and motivation to work. She is dedicated person, who is ready to achieve her goals. She has tremendous potential to undertake research work independently through emphasis on self-study and self-discipline.

I highly recommend you to accept Ms. Your Name. As I am confident she will make tremendous addition to your university’s community. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions regarding her past academic work.


Dr. ___________ Prof Name
Associate Professor/Head
Department Name
University Name, Country
Email Address


Recommendation Letter Template or Draft 3:

Letter of Recommendation

I have great pleasure in recommending Ms. Your Name D/O Mr. Father Name in her pursuit of higher educational qualification. I have known Ms. Your Name for the past four years and during this period I have found her very participative and dedicated. She has always shown keen interest in her work/commitments. She has always been eager to take responsibilities and fulfil them at any cost. She always completed her assignments, projects and other tasks well in time.
What particularly impressed me most is her devotion and motivation to understand the challenging issues. She has enormous potential to undertake research work independently. She has the ability to grasp new ideas and skill which would enable her to take full advantages of the facilities available there. Ms. Your Name is a pleasing personality and can work in multicultural settings.
In view of her sound academic performance and the desire to enhance her knowledge, I strongly recommend her studying in your esteemed institution.

Dr. ___________ Prof Name
Associate Professor/Head
Department Name
University Name, Country
Email Address


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